If you’ve ever experienced back pain, you know how much it hurts and how debilitating it can be. If you are suffering now and it feels neverending, don’t worry. We are here to offer an expert physiotherapy guide to getting rid of back pain for good with some simple adjustments and some more complicated ones below.
In most cases, back pain is down to an issue with movement with the three most common causes; not enough motion, too much motion or improper motion. If you are experiencing back pain for a sustained period of time, book an appointment at Cairnhill Physiotherapy today.
Stay active, stay healthy
We understand if back pain is putting you off exercising or simply being active. However, movement can go towards helping back pain and even treating it. It can be a balancing act which is why seeing a physio to receive an exercise plan is best. This will likely be made up of specific stretches targeted at the area and advice on how much exercise is too much. Low-impact activity is often the way to go, such as swimming, yoga and walking. If it makes your back more painful, stop.
Anywhere you spend extended periods of time in one position can cause some physical aggravation. There are plenty of variables when it comes to sleep, such as pillow height, mattress firmness and, of course, sleeping position. With roughly a third of every day spent in bed it is important to focus on a comfortable and supportive sleeping position. Speak to our physios about the best sleeping position for your pain and advice on how to make sleep healthier and more comfortable for you.
Working environment
Another big portion of your day might be spent at work. Whether you work in a hands-on job, in construction, or in an office in a desk-based role, either of these environments can be a contributing factor to back pain. Lifting heavy objects all day or being bent over can cause too much stress on back muscles. Likewise, being sat in a stationary position at a desk can cause stiffness and pain. Following correct lifting techniques and adding ergonomic furniture to your office can both help.
See a physio
Our team of trained physios use proven techniques to treat back pain, which may include; massage therapy, acupuncture, stretching and our on-site gym. The aim is to return you to your pre-injury fitness and treat the pain so you can live a comfortable and healthy life.
Contact us today to book an appointment.
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