People may put off a visiting a physio for a work-related injury until it becomes too unbearable. And sometimes this occurs because people may just not be financially able to address the issue. Another common factor putting you off could be that you aren’t sure if you should visit your local GP first for your valid ACC claim or simply don’t have the time to submit a claim. These may be valid concerns or limitations you may be experiencing but delaying a physiotherapist appointment is only going to deter your health and body functionality. After all, your health and body are important.
To answer some of these concerns, we have compiled a guide to answering the three most frequently asked questions around ACC claims.
Am I Covered?
ACC is a no-fault scheme that applies to persons who’ve been injured in an accident, work-related mishap from years of service, treatment-induced injury or sexual violence. These injuries usually include sprains, fractures, and dislocations which can be treated by a physiotherapist. Other conditions covered include dental, ear, wound, mental and brain related injuries. A comprehensive checklist and informational guide can be found on the ACC website.
Do I Have To Submit A Claim?
At Cairnhill Physiotherapy, we aim to provide you with convenience and peace-of-mind, which is why we can assist with submitting a claim for you. At your first appointment, you must inform us if you’re covered by ACC or need to submit a claim for us to best advise you.
Can I Go To Any Physiotherapist?
The choice is yours, so you should find a physiotherapist that you feel comfortable with. However, for an ACC claim to be processed, you’ll need to go to a registered healthcare provider or facility. Even if you’re required to pay a certain portion of the claim, you can only go to a registered physiotherapist. It’s important that you clarify this before setting up an appointment with a physio of your choice.
Physiotherapy can be an overwhelming experience if you aren’t sure how to process your ACC claim, and suffering from an injury can become even more stressful if you aren’t confident that you can submit an ACC claim in the first place. As a healthcare provider specialising in physiotherapy Auckland Central, ACC claims are a frequent occurrence for us and we can assist by providing you with the correct information on how to proceed. Contact us today to see how we can assist you as a registered healthcare provider.
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