For over 45 years Cairnhill Physiotherapy has used acupuncture methods to treat pain, muscle tightness and swelling. Acupuncture can be used to treat a wide variety of injuries. It is a holistic approach that we use in conjunction with other physiotherapy techniques within our clinic. The acupuncture process involves inserting fine needles into specific points throughout the body to relieve pain, muscle tightness and swelling. The needles stimulate underlying nerves which send messages to your spinal cord and midbrain to release chemicals in the muscle, spinal cord and brain. The release of these chemicals helps change or suppress pain and can trigger other chemicals in the body to help in natural healing.
Acupuncture treatment can vary widely depending on the treatments and your physio’s strategy. In most cases, the acupuncturist begins by asking the patient about symptoms, diet, and daily routines, which can provide clues as to where the needles are best placed on the body. Even when symptoms of pain and stiffness are limited to the neck, needles can be inserted into areas of the body other than the neck. Depending on the treatment method, the patient may be asked to lie on their stomach, on their back, or sit in a semi-recumbent position.
Typically, an acupuncture session lasts up to an hour. At the end of treatment, thin needles are removed from the neck and back and disposed of. The recommended length and frequency of acupuncture sessions may depend on how long the pain and stiffness in the neck have lasted, as well as the severity of the symptoms. We often use acupuncture to help patients with pre- and post-operative rehabilitation of their injuries. Acupuncture can also be used to treat patients suffering from headaches caused by neck pain. Our experts also provide a variation of acupuncture therapy called dry acupuncture, although this method is used to relieve muscle tension and pain that can lead to loss of flexibility in patients.
Before starting any acupuncture treatment, our experienced physical therapists will explain in detail what to expect from your treatment. As a rule, patients feel very little when thin acupuncture needles are inserted. We pride ourselves on creating a calm and soothing environment before and during acupuncture treatment. We also pride ourselves on consistently treating our patients with warmth and care, making sure they are comfortable, pain-free and relaxed.
Contact us today to learn more about how acupuncture could help your neck pain or other areas of discomfort.
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