We often use acupuncture to treat pain, muscle tightness and swelling, and have been doing so for nearly five decades. While we have great experience in this field and offer the highest levels of professionalism in safe surroundings, not everyone offering acupuncture in Auckland does so. That is why we urge you to be very careful about who you choose when it comes to receiving acupuncture as part of your treatment for any issue.
For a start, traditional Chinese acupuncture in New Zealand is not regulated. As a result, you can’t ever be sure that proper hygiene procedures are in place at all clinics. Rest assured, we take hygiene very seriously at our Auckland clinic, not just with acupuncture but with every physiotherapy service we offer you. In the Covid-19 era, this has never been more important and you would expect nothing less, of course.
Another problem with non-regulated acupuncture is that all sorts of wild claims can be made on websites or through advertising. Promises to cure cancer or increase fertility are just some of the wilder assertions we’ve heard about, yet that sort of stuff can be said when there are no rules regarding a particular form of treatment. We would never make such preposterous statements that we couldn’t back up with concrete scientific evidence. We know that the acupuncture we do is very effective at treating pain, swelling and muscle tightness and we would never oversell the service as being able to achieve more than that.
Finally, we use acupuncture in conjunction with the other physiotherapy services we offer in our Epsom clinic. It’s part of our holistic approach and gives you the advantage of a multi-faceted treatment programme that doesn’t rely on acupuncture alone. While we believe in the effectiveness of acupuncture, we see it as part of the therapy process that works alongside other approaches to produce the best results for our patients. On the other hand, choosing an acupuncture clinic that offers only this form of medicine might not let you recover as quickly or as effectively as you should – as a sole treatment, it may not be what you require.
For all these reasons and more, we guarantee you’re playing it safe when receiving acupuncture treatment from Cairnhill Physiotherapy. In terms of proper hygiene, realistic expectations and outcomes, and being part of a programme that includes other proven treatments, we believe you’ll be glad you chose us.
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Monday - Friday:
95 Mountain
Road, Epsom