At Cairnhill Physiotherapy, we often see patients exhibiting signs of knee pain due to running and help them overcome it. Unfortunately, it is not an ailment that only affects new runners. Even experienced runners struggle with knee pain and visiting an Auckland Physio can alleviate the discomfort they may be enduring. Commonly referred to as “Runner’s Knee”, it is a condition that generally tends to worsen over time when left untreated.
A consultation with a professional can help determine your running style, your body conditioning and provide you with a better technique for training with regular exercise activities. Your Auckland Physiotherapist will also identify what type of condition has developed from your “Runner’s Knee” and begin treating it effectively. There are three types of conditions that we have focused on in this article: Patellar Tendinopathy, Anterior Knee Pain and Iliotibial Band Syndrome are all significant issues that can lead to decreased physical activity and even lead to you needing to give up on running.
Patellar Tendinopathy
This pain is felt with upward movements, such as climbing stairs, intense running and other types of physical activity. It is often more painful on uneven surfaces, due to the pressure on the patella tendon. Sufferers describe the pain as a sometimes sharp ache that is at the point of the knee cap. Physiotherapists can assist with strengthening and conditioning exercises to reduce the amount of pain. Professionals may also caution you to not overexert yourself and decrease the amount of training for effective healing.
Anterior Knee Pain
The source of the pain is localised around the knee cap, often under or in front of it, and produces a dull ache over time which can increase into unbearable pain. While more prevalent when in use, this pain appears in periods of activity and inactivity. Misalignment, weakening cartilage and poor running form are all major contributors. A physio may recommend that you start shortening your running time and distances and provide you with exercises to strengthen your quads, calves and glutes..
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
This pain can be traced along from your hip along the outside of your thigh to your knee, pressuring the iliotibial band fibres in this section of the body. Inflammation, irritation and swelling can occur as a result of fluid build-up caused by excessive force such as running. The burning sensation can be relieved with the support of a physio, who can provide targeted recovery exercises to correct the issue. They can assess your running style and make adjustments to alleviate the discomfort you experience.
While applying coolant sprays and increased resting days can assist you temporarily, they are not a long-term solution. Seeing an Auckland Physio can get you back on the track, in a safe and professional way that helps you run more effectively as well as alleviate your Runner’s Knee. To improve your running – contact us at Cairnhill Physiotherapy so we can help you.
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