Poor posture, bad sleeping habits and increased inactivity because of work deadlines are just some of the reasons why you may be experiencing severe neck pain physiotherapy services. Although investing in costly pillows and ergonomic equipment may be one way to relieve some tension on your neck, these methods are unlikely to help with long-term pain.
Neck pain, while a rather common pain point for many, needs to be addressed professionally for complete alleviation. And this is why we always suggest you visit your local Auckland physio clinic for treatment to this particular problem. It will likely prove more effective than spending hard-earned money on ointments, massage oils and pain relief medicine.
Similar to headaches, neck pain is often categorised by many as pain that will eventually go away and doesn’t need to be treated. However, neck pain that goes unchecked can quickly worsen, making it difficult to function properly. Instead of waiting for unbearable pain or continuously numbing the area with painkillers and coolant sprays, be proactive – these are just some signs of a neck in trouble which require a professional solution.
Consistent Pain In The Neck Area
If you find yourself waking up and going to sleep with the same consistent pain, you need to see a physiotherapist and fast. If the pain level rarely ever subsides or starts tracking down your arm, this is a clear indication that there may be injured tissue in the area that has not started healing.
Frequent Painful Spasms
Another significant sign of intensive neck pain is frequent spasms. Muscles that keep spasming can be an indicator of the neck in tension. Whether it’s a result of minimal physical activity or staying in the same position for hours, a physiotherapist can quickly work to remove tension from your neck.
Common Clicking In The Neck
While it may seem like a good party trick to be able to click your bones, overtime this can lead to an area of the neck that can increase in mobility, potentially causing an increase in pain/discomfort. If you do have clicking when looking left or right or up and down and it is not pain, this is normal. If it starts to become painful, this could indicate some issue in the joints of the neck that need to be addressed.
Neck pain should not become part of your daily routine, it can be treated and treated fast. Not only does it greatly impact your quality of life, but it can also cause fatigue, frustration and even affect your work. Neck pain has the potential to impact your life and that’s why we believe you should always treat it with a specialist physio session. At Cairnhill Physiotherapy, we can provide relief for old injuries as well as everyday pain – book an appointment with us today.
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