Acupuncture is understood to have a range of benefits, treating a variety of issues. If you are suffering from musculoskeletal, neurological, respiratory, digestive, gynaecological or emotional issues it may be able to help. Acupuncture is the practice of inserting fine needles into specific points throughout the body. This stimulates underlying nerves which helps to release chemicals in the muscle, spinal cord and brain to suppress pain or trigger other chemicals in the body to promote natural healing.
To help you understand the basics of acupuncture, we will take you through the 14 most common acupuncture channels suitable for everyday use, from head to toe.
Use: Applied commonly for headaches, vertigo and tinnitus. Also for treatment of various mental disorders.
Where: Located at the top of the head.
Use: For treatment of common disorders, such as colds, flu, fever, headache and neck pain. This channel also helps to lower blood pressure.
Where: Located at the base of the skull/top of the neck.
Use: Used to treat upper body disorders, including minor issues like headaches, stiffness and sore throats to more serious conditions such as asthma, wrist conditions and facial paralysis.
Where: Inside of the arm, above the wrist.
Use: Useful in treating cardiac disorders and nausea, convulsions or spasms.
Where: Also above the wrist on the inner arm.
Use: Varied use of treatment for disorders along the meridian pathway; top of head, cheek, ears, neck, arms, hands and fingers.
Where: Outer side of the arm, above the wrist.
Use: Can be used to treat heart disease and fatigue but more commonly mental disorders such as depression, insomnia and hysteria.
Where: Outer side of the wrist.
Use: Pain and inflammation relief.
Where: Between the thumb and index finger on the back of the hand.
Use: For treating seizures, fevers and neck joint stiffness.
Where: Below the little finger on the side of the hand.
Use: Treats several ailments, from back pain and muscular atrophy to abdominal pain and hip impairments.
Where: Located at the back of the knee.
Use: Helpful for digestive disorders and has a positive effect on numerous other diseases.
Where: Below the kneecap, at the top of the shin.
Use: Treatment of the digestive system and useful for hormonal and immune disorders.
Where: Above the ankle on the inner leg.
Use: Used to treat plenty of disorders throughout the body; toothache, dizziness, tinnitus, asthma, insomnia and others.
Where: At the back of the ankle.
Use: Focused on balancing emotional energy and regulating menstruation, along with reducing chest pain and treating issues with the eye.
Where: Placed between the first and second toes at the top of the foot.
Acupuncture uses continue to expand and can be part of a holistic treatment method to overcome a wide array of issues. Contact us today to book an appointment.
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